You are the most noble creation on this world, but are we? #ShareLOVE
Somalia Famine, the largest human crisis in the history of UN. If you are like me who have very lately realized how bad is the crisis and how people like us are dying without water and food. That is the worst thing to see in our life. The problem is not because of us but we can a part of the solution that can save our neighborhood continent (Africa)
Our Life:
To all my brother and sisters in this digital economy, our life has been so busy Isn’t it?
We have been living with so much of things occupied in our brain and heart that didn’t provide us the time to realize what is happening around the world. Yes, we are stressed, crazy work hours, other issues and totally routined like a flywheel that didn’t allow us to stop and THINK. Nowadays money becomes a secondary issue for a lot of us because we already made progress through the technology and knowledge that allowing us to take care better than before.
we have been working so hard to hit the goals and targets, and we are succeeding as well (Happy for all of you who have succeeded). We are not stopping with that and still running forward for more achievements But We didn’t really THINK OF LOOKING BACK and understand what is happening with others.
We have made progress to reach Moon, travel to un expected places within few hours. We start to set calendar and reminders to call our friends and family. There is nothing wrong with that but just that we need to self-aware that our life becomes scheduled.
We are not stopping with iPhone, but we want Tab, smart watch, Smart glass to run our life. There is totally not wrong with it as it improves our efficiency but the problem is we are trying to be efficient for something which is NOT MEANINGFUL.
Similar like you, there are a lot of us also disturbed how we can live a meaningful life and share the love with others. A recently
Solution(MayBe): We need to keep ourself reminded that we are the most noble creation in this world but how can be ?
Sharing here about one of a meaningful thing done by people from France. (Farrukh Naeem Qadri) shared the below
“Internet superstar JEROME JARRE got Turkish Airlines to lend a full cargo plane to take food to Somalia. And in just 9 hours, has raised 500,000 dollars of his 1M goal to fill the plane with 60 tons of food and water for famine relief. If you have built influence online, there are so many meaningful ways to use it to do good Masha Allah (God has willed). I just discovered this guy today… and I love his energy and French-accented English :)
What are you doing with your social media clout?”
If you want to be part of helping our brothers and sisters in Somalia > You can fund USD1 in his crowdfunding campaign
Respect to Jerome Jarre(wikipedia Link), Respect to Turkish Airlines and Respect to you who have been part of his fund raising.