Good to see the new improvements Hubspot! How about Reports?

4 min readAug 9, 2018

HubSpot & Jon Dick Have been reading all updates about the new release on the conversations. Am looking at the sun rise in the busy Amsterdam at the same time your new interface release as well. Appreciate your major update on the new navigation system, I believe after lot of thought process and survey you guys have came with this.

Indeed it is good to have a menu like in a single page instead of moving across multiple pages as it saves time and reduce the stress of finding out where is what options. Great! Then how about the reports and report builder?

If a marketer started his life with Hubspot as his first marketing tool, they would be satisfied with what hubspot is providing but not all of the marketers who have used different automation and analytical tools. As a end user, I want to share my thoughts so far in the reporting.

To be on the same page, what am going to share is not about the availability of data but the usability of this data with advanced report building options.

What i mean advanced report building?

As of now(this post published date), 39Million websites use Google analytics which means we can assume the least case of 10Million marketers out there managing this websites. Those marketers who sort of entered their career into marketing analytical space via Google analytics. Meaning who have entered into the space of Google analytics, they have seen what inbuilt reports which GA provides like in this menu and its submenu (like landing page, New vs Return, product performance, sales performance) and what is the power of customer reports.

  • Even though they provide this menu where they have recommended or say most used reporting structure that is pre built, they allow user to customize the reporting (Like changing the dimension, or metrics in a quicker way)
  • More than that, their definition is custom report means literally custom report of everything that is technically possible where we don’t need to export the raw data.

Power of Custom Report

Example of a advanced report builder in GA:

This custom report is like flat open space, we can play whichever we game we want. But hubspot reports is like the fields are filled with pre determined games which only whoever interested or who want to play the the basic card games could play. This means it is restricted mode of games. We would like to have freedom of advanced report building. We don’t want to select what time of report we want before we going inside the field, we want to just inside the space, sit, look around, play weird things which none can image and then figure out what gives us more fun and energy,

Still unclear yeah? Let’s look at Facebook Advanced Reporting comparing their inbuilt reporting.

Facebook Pre built Templates which still allows to customize more than that
Facebook reports Building from scratch.

This last image which is building from scratch, we can select any metrics or dimension we would want. It is flexible, more advanced and it can do lot of wonders.

What am trying to share is builders show allow us to build things and not push us to create something which is already in restricted mode.

Am sure there you are already aware of this or some technical limitation or am totally wrong. but as i shared in the first part, some of us went to marketing and analytical space via GA, BI tools, etc where the logic is simple > Select the dimension and metrics based on the needs from scratch.

Btw, if am guessing in a small way, don’t take salesforce reports builder. It’s only for business & sales managers who doesn’t know how to work with analytics. Hubspot you should(consider) drive towards for the next generation of growth and product managers.

All the updates you have been providing recently is excellent and the chat tool is more than awesome as it stopped moving us to Intercom. We are looking forward to move advanced and dynamic with your new releases!

Thanks for building the Hubspot academy for last few years!




I help myself and companies to grow in Digital world through digital marketing, digital transformation initiatives, product management. Traveled 15% of 🌏